Info for Participants
Author's Kit
June 21, 2005
9:00 | | Registration |
10:00 | | Opening |
10:30 | | Timour Paltashev New Graphics API and GPU Hardware Architecture Co-development |
11:30 | | Coffee break |
11:45 | | David B. Arnold and Karina Rodriguez Echavarria, Michel Genereux Multilingual Virtual City Guides |
12:15 | | Andre Gagalowicz Realistic 3D Simulation of Garments |
13:05 | | Lunch |
15:00 | | Wolfgang Strasser Realtime Animation and Visualisation of Complex Scenes on Standard PCs |
15:35 | | Dimitri Plemenos and Jerome Grasset, Benoit Jaubert, Karim Tamine Intelligent Visibility-Based 3D Scene Processing Techniques for Computer Games |
16:10 | | Software presentations |
| | Victor Lempitsky, Denis Ivanov, Anton Shokurov, Yevgeniy Fedotov, Yevgeniy Kuzmin ImagiCAD: Experimental Image Based Modeling System |
| | Alexander Majorov Universal 3D (U3D) |
| | Sergey Preis, Alexey Kazakov Prospects of LGS: Application and Development |
| | Boris S. Dolgovesov, Boris S. Mazurok, Maxim U. Shevtsov, Boris B. Morozov, Alexey V.Rukhlinskiy, Alexandr V. Pekarskiy, B.A. Naumov, Vladimir M. Fomichev Real-Time 3D Graphics Systems: from Simulators to Virtual Studios 3D графика реального времени: от тренажеров до виртуальных студий |
| | Aleksey V. Rukhlinskiy, Maxim U. Shevtsov , Boris S. Dolgovesov Integration of the Volume Rendering System with Virtual Studio |
18:20 | | |
19:00 | | Reception |
June 22, 2005
9:00 | | Section A | Section B |
12:40 | | Lunch |
14:00 | | Section A | Section B |
15:25 | | |
16:15 | | Dmitriy Vatolin Video Compression Standards Evolution Эволюция стандартов сжатия видео |
17:15 | | Chi-Min Hsieh, Annie Luciani Physically-Based Particle Modeling for Dance Verbs |
17:45 | | |
19:00 | | Dinner |
Section A |
9:00 | | Galina Pushkaryova Research and Application of Bionical Methods and Models for Automated Design of the Round Routes of Geometrical Objects Исследование и применение бионических методов и моделей для автоматизированного проектирования маршрутов обхода геометрических объектов |
9:20 | | Pyotr Abdulin, Vladimir Frolovsky Compression of the Geometrical Information of Complex Objects on the Basis of Generating Models Сжатие геометрической информации сложных объектов на основе порождающих моделей |
9:40 | | Vladimir Landovsky Integration Methods in the Problem of Modelling of Fabric Based on Particles Method Методы интегрирования дифференциальных уравнений в задаче моделирования поведения ткани методом частиц |
10:00 | | Valentina Kurysheva Unfolding of Volumetric Details of Garments with the Help of a Graphic Method Получение разверток объемных деталей швейных изделий с помощью графического метода |
10:20 | | Yury V. Sivets The Developing of the 3D Spine Model by Means of Trigonometric Interpolation Summs and Spline Interpolation Построение трехмерной модели позвоночника с использованием алгоритмов ТИС и Сплайновой Интерполяции |
10:40 | | Natalie D. Ganelina, Vladimir D. Frolovsky Ant Colony Approach to Defining Hamilton Cycle on Segments Решение задачи поиска гамильтонова цикла на отрезках методом муравьиных колоний |
11:00 | | Coffee break |
11:20 | | Leonid Mestetskiy Skeleton of Multiply-Connected Polygonal Domain Скелет многосвязной многоугольной фигуры |
11:40 | | Alexander Kulikov On Some Problems of Computational Geometry. Isogeometric Smoothing and Geometric Search Некоторые задачи вычислительной геометрии. Изогеометрическое сглаживание и геометрический поиск |
11:55 | | Sergei Shevelev, Sergei I. Vyatkin , Boris S. Dolgovesov Triangulation of Functional Forms Триангуляция функциональных форм |
12:10 | | Andrey G. Pozin Using Volumetric Method for 3D Surface Reconstruction Использование объёмного метода для восстановления 3D поверхностей |
12:25 | | Alexander Katasonov, Sergei I. Vyatkin , Boris S. Dolgovesov Voxelization of Functional Forms Вокселизация функциональных форм |
12:40 | | Lunch |
14:00 | | Boris Barladyan, Alexey Voloboy, Nadezhda Vyukova, Vladimir Galaktionov, Nikolay Deryabin Illumination Simulation and Creation of Photorealistic Images via Internet Интернет сервис для моделирования освещенности и синтеза реалистичных изображений |
14:15 | | Valery Bolotov, Mikhail Gomziakov, Jury Ronshin, Vjatcheslav Sedykch System Vector: Dialogs, Methods and Examples Система Вектор: диалог, методы и примеры |
14:35 | | Jury V. Shornikov, Oksana V. Nikonova Visual Modelling of Hybrid Systems Визуальное моделирование гибридных систем |
14:55 | | Vladimir L. Averbukh., Natalia Averbukh, Denis Perevalov, Dmitry Toporkov, Inna Toporkova Problem Definition for Psychological Grounding of User Modeling During Development of the Specialized Visual Systems Постановка проблемы психологического обоснования моделирования пользователей при разработке специализированных визуальных систем |
15:10 | | Valery Bolotov, Alexandre Zelenin, Sergey Sobotovich Mysteries as the Way of Organizing Teaching Process on the Bases of Modern Possibilities of PC Мистерии как способ организации учебного процесса на основе современных возможностей компьютерной графики |
Section B |
9:00 | | Valery Bobkov, Sergey Melman, Yurij Ronshin Optimization of Ray Tracing in Octrees Оптимизация трассировки лучей в октантных деревьях |
9:20 | | Alexander Zhirkov, Alexander Parshin Adaptive Rendering of Three Dimension Scenes Using Hierarchical Cells Structure Адаптивный рендеринг трехмерных сцен на основе иерархических ячеек |
9:35 | | Victor A. Debelov, Lioudmila F. Vassilieva, Iliya Novikov Light Meshes Development: Approximation of Ray Tracing Solution, GPU Implementation Развитие метода световых сеток для алгоритма лучевой трассировки: аппроксимация решения, реализация на графическом акселераторе |
9:50 | | Victor A. Debelov, Maxim A. Sattarov Models and Algorithms for Photorealistic Visualization of Scenes Including Crystals Модели и алгоритмы для фотореалистической визуализации сцен с кристаллами |
10:05 | | Semyon Kozlov, Nikolay Elykov, Igor Belago An Approach to High Realistic Multilayer Cloud Rendering in Dynamic Day Time and Weather Conditions Подход к высокореалистичной визуальной имитации разновысотных облаков в условиях плавной смены времени суток и погодных условий |
10:25 | | Nikolay Elykov, Igor Belago, Stanislaw Kuzikowski High Realistic Visualization and Animation of Open Water Surfaces in Virtual Reality Systems Методы визуализации и анимации моделей протяженных водных поверхностей в системах виртуальной реальности |
10:40 | | Yurij Borisov Visualization of City Environment by Means of Plenoptic Method Визуализация городской обстановки пленоптическим методом |
11:00 | | Coffee break |
11:20 | | Maxim U. Shevtsov, Boris S. Dolgovesov Real-Time Volume Rendering System Based on Typical Graphics Accelerator Система объемной визуализации реального времени на базе стандартного графического акселератора |
11:35 | | Natalia Mirza, Alexey Skvortsov, Roman Chadnov Multi-Triangulation as Applied to Very Large Terrains Visualization Применение мультитриангуляции для визуализации сверхбольших поверхностей |
11:55 | | Andrey Karpov Data Visualization on Parallel Computer Systems Визуализация данных на параллельных вычислительных комплексах |
12:15 | | Dmitry Gorbashevsky, Alexey Kazantsev Visualization of Large Volume Grids Визуализация сеточных данных большого объема |
12:25 | | Vladimir L. Averbukh, Alexandr Baydalin, Damir Ismagilov, Alexey Kazantsev State of the Art in Software Visualization for Parallel Computing Состояние дел в визуализации программного обеспечения параллельных вычислений |
12:40 | | Lunch |
14:00 | | Maria Vasilieva, Igor Lobiv, Feodor A. Murzin Automation of the Process of Histological Material Morphometry Автоматизация процесса морфометрии гистологического материала |
14:15 | | Peter V. Bazanov, Oxana V. Josan Face Feature Extraction Methods For the Task of Face Recognition Методы выделения информативных признаков изображений лица в задаче распознавания лица |
14:30 | | Pavel A. Kim Generation of Geometrical Objects by Iterative Method Порождение геометрических объектов итерационным способом |
14:50 | | Valeria Sidorova Multidimensional Histogram and Separating of the Vector Feature Space on the Unimodal Clusters Многомерная гистограмма и разделение векторного пространства признаков по унимодальным кластерам |
15:10 | | Maria Karaseva Spherical Distortion Correction at Photographs by Neural Networks Компенсация сферических искажений на фотоснимках с помощью нейронных сетей |
June 23, 2005
Section A |
9:00 | | Wolfgang Heiden, Rita Cornely Representation and Analysis of 3D Shape |
9:20 | | Irina Semenova, Vladimir Savchenko, Ichiro Hagiwara Reconstruction of Shapes Based on Normals Analysis |
9:40 | | Georgios Stylianou Feature Sensitive Surface Simplification |
10:00 | | Georgios Stylianou, Yiorgos Chrysanthou Crest Line Extraction From Point Clouds |
10:20 | | Charbel Fares, Yskandar Hamam Collision Detection for Rigid Bodies: A State of the Art Review |
10:50 | | Egor Ermolin, Alexey Kazakov Impulse-Based Approach for Rigid Body Collisions Simultaneous Resolution |
11:10 | | Coffee break |
11:30 | | Jose M. Juarez-Comboni, Andy M. Day A Multi-Pass Multi-Stage Multi-GPU Collision Detection Algorithm |
11:45 | | Sergei I. Vyatkin, Boris S. Dolgovesov Collision Detection of Functionally Defined Objects for Constant Time |
12:05 | | Aleksey Litvinenko, Vladimir Usov About Interactive Modeling System with the Help of Implicit Function |
12:20 | | Vladimir Usov Optimal Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces |
12:35 | | Valery P. Il'in Geometric Problems and Algorithms in Mathematical Modeling |
12:50 | | Alexander V. Korobeynikov, Vadim E. Turlapov Modeling and Evaluating of the Stewart Platform |
13:10 | | Yuri Moiseenko, Igor Sevastianov, Alexei Soupikov Discontinuity Analysis for Noise Estimation in Stochastic Computations of Photo-realistic Soft Shadows |
13:30 | | Oleg A. Potiy, Alexey A. Anikanov 3D Flow Visualization Using GPU-Driven Particle System |
Section B |
9:00 | | Jan Fransens, Fabian Di Fioreў, Frank Van Reethў The Reconstruction of Missing Frames in Historical Films, a Layered Approach |
9:20 | | Eduardo Hernandez, Bedrich Benes Robin Hood's Algorithm for Time-Critical Level of Detail |
9:40 | | Anton Konouchine, Victor Gaganov, Vladimir Veznevets AMLESAC: A New Maximum Likelihood Robust Estimator |
10:00 | | Vladimir Vezhnevets, Vadim Konouchine "GrowCut" - Interactive Multi-Label N-D Image Segmentation By Cellular Automata |
10:20 | | Natalia Vaganova Nonorthogonal RGB-Space Decomposition |
10:40 | | Tagir Waleev, Feodor Murzin Some Algorithms of Videosequences Compression and their Investigation |
10:55 | | Danil Kortchagine, Andrey Krylov Image Database Retrieval by Fast Hermite Projection Method |
11:10 | | Coffee break |
11:30 | | Egor A. Yusov, Vadim E. Turlapov Relief Shape Inheritance and Graphical Editor for the Landscape Design |
11:50 | | Vladimir Knyaz Photogrammetric Technique for Accurate Human Body 3D Model Reconstruction |
12:05 | | Anton Konouchine, Victor Gaganov, Vladimir Vezhnevets Combined Guided Tracking and Matching with Adaptive Track Initialization |
12:20 | | Sergey V. Ershov, Dmitry D. Zhdanov Efficient Application of Optical Objects in Light Simulation Software |
12:35 | | Alexander Vezhnevets, Vladimir Vezhnevets 'Modest AdaBoost' - Teaching AdaBoost to Generalize Better |
12:50 | | Alexey Lukin, Daria Kalinkina, Denis Kubasov Adaptive Multiresolution Filter Banks for Image and Audio Processing |
13:05 | | V.V. Asmus, A.A. Buchnev, V.P. Pyatkin Thematic Processing of the Earth Remote Sensing Multispectral Data |
13:25 | | Vladimir N. Malukh, Alexey G. Nickitin Modern Architecture of Light-Weight CAD |

The Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical
Geophysics, SB RAS
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