Conference Fees
The information on registration fees for participants from Russia and CIS countries is available in Russian version of the site (Russian participants are partly sponsored by Russian Foundation for Basic Research).
Wishing to take part in the conference please fill the registration form
The registration fees for participants not from Russia or CIS are the following:
Early bird (Before August, 1) |
Regular (Before September 1) |
On site (cash only *) |
Regular participant |
250 EUR |
300 EUR |
350 EUR |
All above fees include visa support, entrance to all conference sessions (including tutorials), entrance to free coffee-breaks, all conference materials (CD-ROM version), and a participant package.
• Printed version of conference materials – 20 EUR
• Participation in a banquet – 40 EUR
Registration fees are non-refundable.
*This is to be paid in Russian currency (roubles) at the exchange rate of Russian Central Bank
Payment details will be announced later
Beneficiary name |
Address |
Fiscal or VAT number |
Bank |
Account |
Details of payment |
Please, replace with the appropriate type from the table above. For example, "Registration fee of regular participant of GraphiCon'2014 for Dr. Ivanov."
Conference materials (printed version) and/or Participation in a banquet, if required, should be included in the amount of payment.
Please, also note that all banking fees, which are the usual case for international bank transfers, must be paid by sender. Beneficiary must receive the exact amount as stated in the table above for the respective category.
Important note.
Right after the payment, please send us a confirmation of the transfer to, this is required for documents registration according to Russian currency exchange regulation.
We are looking forward to seeing you at GraphiCon'2014!
Registration fees for Russian participants
This information is available in Russian version of the site.

Exhibited materials conference GraphiCon'2014
Published conference program. The program may change
Recommend hotels were added
Submission of papers has been extended until 20.07.2014
Extended to 30.06.2014 registration and submission of papers
Registration of participants [13.03.2014]
Registration of participants will begin on March 30